Trekkings at Chapada Diamantina

Trekking of 2 to 6 days

Extremely intense and immersive experiences in the Chapada Diamantina National Park (PNCD), such as crossings and wild camping.

Fumaça Waterfall from Bellow
Distance: 38km
Origin: Lençóis X Vale do Capão
From R$1.800
Mixila Waterfall 2 Days
Distance: 22km
Origin: Lençóis
From R$1.700
Palmital Waterfall 2 Days
Distance: 22km
Origin: Lençóis
From R$1.700

About the Trekking at Chapada Diamantina

Trekking in Chapada Diamantina has its origins in the trails opened by miners who roamed this region for over two centuries in search of coveted diamonds. Today, we use these trails and the old ‘houses’ of the miners (known as ‘tocas’) as camping bases during our mountain expeditions. Some of these trails were used by cowboys and farmers (mainly in the Vale do Pati and Vale do Capão regions) who created routes for transporting coffee, milk, and other food throughout Chapada Diamantina and the wider Bahia region. These particular trails are more open, flat, and traverse open areas commonly known as ‘gerais.’ The trails within the Chapada Diamantina National Park, such as Mixila, Fumaça, Samuel, Engrunada, and Fundão, were explored exclusively by miners, making them more enclosed and rugged. It’s a true showcase of history, geology, as well as the stunning scenery we can admire during the hikes and stops. It’s also essential to note that all the listed treks can be interconnected, as we have extensive knowledge of the Chapada Diamantina National Park, enabling us to link most of the major treks in the region.

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