Pati Valley 4 Days (Capão Way)
Lençóis -
Distance by foot
75km -
Effort Level
Moderate -
4 Days - Mountain Guide
- Tracking by Spot X
The Experience at Pati Valley
Discover with Mamut the most beautiful trekking in Brazil. Located in the heart of the Chapada Diamantina National Park (PNCD), surrounded by mountains, waterfalls, and caves. Stunning views that lead us to deep reflections during walks within the Valley. We can glimpse distant mountains, take refreshing waterfall baths, visit caves, listen to the stories of the ancient people who lived there, and taste the best of local cuisine in the homes of the natives. It’s a true natural, historical, geological, and cultural spectacle.
The Vale do Pati can provide us with many profound emotions such as overcoming, connection, and respect. Just look carefully around and be enchanted by the shapes, smells, sensations, and connections that only Pati can offer.
It’s a very versatile tour that can be done by people of any age. There are many levels of difficulty, and we can spend from 02 to 05 days in the Vale do Pati, depending on your group’s preference.
Local trekking guides with extensive experience acquired through courses and journeys in the Chapada Diamantina region. In addition to safety protocols that begin with our participant inquiries through consultation forms.
During our operations, we use portable two-way radios as well as a satellite two-way communicator like the Spot X with an SOS button for extreme situations.